Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Challenge

Ahhh...gotta love Twitter.  So much information coming in - all in short little bursts of 140 characters or less.  Got up today to multiple tweets about Amy Winehouse's untimely demise (a little surreal that she now joins Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Kobain and Janis Joplin in the "died at 27" club).

Anyway, another thing that has entered my consciousness through Twitter is what some folks I am following have started doing.  They are tagging their tweets with #plankaday and giving details as to the number of planks and their duration that they complete each day.

So, somewhere in my less-than-brilliant mind a little voice said "what a great idea!"...  When I will learn to NOT listen to that voice, I don't know...but apparently now is not the time.  I have officially thrown my hat in the ring for the plank-a-day challenge (competing only against myself, of course).  My initial goal is to do at least one 60 second plank every single day between now and the end of my holidays (August 14).  Started off with a bang today.  Completed TWO 60 second planks.  Good thing no one was around during the second one.  Not sure those grunting and groaning sounds were really human-sounding.  But..I did it.  Now, however, I have a pretty tender lower back...Perhaps starting with one and working toward 2 is a better idea?

Tomorrow....10k and day two of #plankaday!

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