Saturday, July 2, 2011

One Down....

I did it!  First 10k of the season and it is done, done, DONE!  And it was pretty great too.  I thought briefly that I might be able to make it in under an hour - but it wasn't to be.  Still pretty darn happy with the 1:02:13 time I got though.  A sub-hour 10k definitely seems possible....down the road.  I gave it all I had today, though.  Ankle gave me a little trouble and at one point my left hamstring had a couple moments of seizing up...but otherwise it was a great run in the sunshine.  Oh...still having iPod trouble too.  Checked last night and it said battery was at 75% so didn't bother re-charging it.  About 15 minutes into my run, it died....  Would have been nice to have had music the rest of the way but was fine without it. 

Tons of people on Rails to Trails today.  Not sure if that is because it is a rare nice weekend, a long weekend, or the combination of the two.  Finished off my 10k with running 10 sprints and then some stretching.  A group that seemed to have biked from Kimberley came while I was stretching.  One of the guys told me when I was done that I "look pretty limber".  Not quite sure what that meant...

Almost tempted to do a bike ride today too...but think perhaps I'll sit in the sunshine with a book and a beer instead :)  I <3 Summer!

1 comment:

  1. The trail was packed today too. People were mostly very nice to my gang of stroller Mom's.
